Let A UWM Loan Coordinator Support You And Your Processor From Setup Through Closing — Saving Time And Helping You Scale Your Business
PA+ is a paid service available exclusively to our UWM partners that offers additional loan processing support. Not only does it free up time for LOs to let them focus on running their business, it can also help their processor by lightening their load when needed.
When you order PA+, you’ll get a dedicated UWM Loan Coordinator who will work with you and your borrower. Just let us know how you want to communicate (e.g., frequency, timing, etc.) and the actions to complete on each loan. Your Loan Coordinator is here to help ease some of the most time-consuming parts of the loan process from Setup through Closing.
What’s more, PA+ is designed to be as flexible as you want it to be. You can choose PA+ on any loan and you have the option to select either Full Service or just the part or parts of the process you need the most help with. Of course, you can also elect to handle processing directly in-house or with your third-party processor.
Here's a breakdown of the service options PA+ can provide:
Setup: Collect the necessary documents, verify information, and make sure everything is in perfect order for the underwriter to ensure a clean review of the initial documents.
Underwriting: Save time by letting a UWM Loan Coordinator track down documents and communicate with the underwriters to satisfy conditions, eliminating the most time-consuming part of the process.
Closing: Work with closing, settlement agents and title to review all documents, ensure deadlines are met, make sure the loan is ready for Closing, and that the closing is seamless with a clean and complete package.
Full Service: A UWM Loan Coordinator will work with you and your borrower from Setup through Closing to help receive, scrub, order and send docs to deliver a complete and clean package ready for closing.
PA+ is just one of the ways UWM helps streamline the loan process to support the success of our broker partners. Sign up with us today!
What our clients are saying
Adriana Bates, Clear Mortgage LLC
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