UWM Loan Shield

Protect Your Borrowers. Protect Your Business.
UWM Loan Shield, available for conventional and government loans, helps you provide your borrowers with a consistent loan servicing experience and helps you retain their business. When you select UWM Loan Shield, UWM will retain servicing of that loan for a minimum of 5 years, assuring your borrowers receive UWM’s elite client service and protection from unwanted solicitations from other lenders — along with our competitive pricing. It also puts you in a great position when opportunities to refinance arise in the future to help ensure you’re their go-to mortgage expert.
Why choose UWM Loan Shield? Consider the benefits for you and your borrowers:
- You’ll stay top-of-mind with your name and contact information on their mortgage statement
- Provides consistency and less confusion throughout their mortgage experience
- They can choose ACH auto-payments to set and forget
- They’re allowed unlimited recasts*
- You’ll get notified immediately through UConnect if your borrower’s credit is pulled or they order a payoff so you can follow up with them right away
Plus, get these additional benefits of UWM Loan Shield for your borrowers if the loan is refinanced with UWM in the next 5 years:
- An appraisal credit up to $600
- Protect their ability to have their escrows netted since servicing will stay with UWM
- Have them opted into UWM’s TRAC+ or TRAC (Title Review and Closing) process when eligible for continued savings
You don’t have to select UWM Loan Shield if the best possible pricing is the most important thing on a loan.
To learn more about all the advantages UWM Loan Shield has to offer, join our network.
*Recasts are available for conventional loans only and are subject to agency guideline requirements and fees
Information is subject to change. Certain restrictions apply. Subject to borrower approval.
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