Customize Your Loan

Exact Rate

The days of pricing to the eighths are over. Now you can offer your borrowers custom rates to the thousandth decimal place and outprice your competition. UWM's Exact Rate lets you:

  • Offer your borrowers a lower custom rate
  • Get pricing closer to the exact amount of closing fees
  • Help avoid principal reductions
  • Experience less back and forth at the closing table

Custom Rate Lock

Looking for another competitive edge? Instead of having to lock loans in standard increments, UWM’s Custom Rate Lock lets you pick the exact number of days and lock for only as long as you need. The shorter the lock, the cheaper the price. You can even go as low as a 20-day lock on imports.

Close a loan with CD at Initial Underwrite with a Custom Rate Lock of 20 days or less and earn 10 bonus points toward your PRO Score each month of Q4.

  • Lock anywhere between 8 and 90 days
  • Lock for the exact number of days in your borrower’s Purchase Contract
  • Make the most of UWM’s fast turn times

Flex Term

Customize the ideal loan for your borrower without resetting the mortgage clock! Flex Term provides borrowers with flexible options to select their amortization term.

  • Available on all conventional, FHA and VA loan products
  • Terms available from 8–30 years
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